Monday, December 11, 2006

Lake Lanier Water Levels

As most people in our area know, we have been experiencing a drought. This lack of rain and the demand for water south of Lake Lanier, have caused our lake level to decrease.

Yesterday, our Lake Lanier was down approximately 8.39 feet below full pool, plus or minus a few inches. So, as I took photos on one of my favorite walks this weekend, I realized that I had passed this way during the Spring and Summer. During both walks, I photographed many sights, but one in particular has become notable.

The photos above illustrate the effect of the lower water levels on the lake. Now we can see how islands become peninsulas! The photo with all of the beautiful color and water was taken on a walk in April of 2006. What a gorgeous setting, and one that instilled curiousity as to what was actually out there on the island. The other photo, obviously, was taken December 10, 2006. As they say, now we know the rest of the story! The island is now a connected piece of land, tied to the park and Little Ridge Trail. It makes for a great walk and a great lesson of what lies beneath the water of Lake Lanier.

Many of us here at Lake Lanier have experienced droughts and have seen the differences that occur in various locations on the lake. Historically, the lake has always returned to full pool and sometimes a little higher! Spring rains and warm weather bring higher lake water levels and excitement about getting out on the water. We hope that next Spring brings the rains we need and the lake levels we love! We're ready for the change!

To view the rest of the photos of my weekend walk, click the link above!

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