Saturday, December 09, 2006

Selling Your Home During The Holidays

Selling your home during the holidays can be quite a challenge, especially in today's market. It seems that things really start slowing down as people head indoors this time of year. Here at Lake Lanier, the weather gets colder and peoples' thoughts change from lake activities like boating, skiing, and hanging out at the dock to going to family functions, school activities and holiday parties. Many of the homes here at the lake are second homes. A lot of folks shut the water off and close up the cabin for the season, and don't return until the Spring. However, this can be a good time of year to consider listing your property for sale. Our website activity indicates that buyers are still looking for Lake Lanier properties this time of year. We see lots of online searches and listing views despite the decrease in actual showing activity. Traditionally, many sellers will wait until the weather warms up to list or re-list their properties for sale.

Investor's Business Daily recently posted a very interesting article about selling real estate during the holidays. What were the advantages that the article cited for selling during the holidays? Buyers who search during the holidays are more serious than others and are often motivated by year-end tax considerations. There is often less inventory, so sellers might face less competition. And in vacation areas, shoppers may be more numerous around the holidays.

So don't let the holidays force you out of the market and put you property sale on hold. The holidays just might bring that special gift you've been waiting for in the form of a property sale before the end of the year!

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