Monday, October 01, 2012

Changing Colors And Temps Here At Lake Lanier!

Well, we had another great weekend out here on Lake Lanier.!  The weather is cooling off and Autumn is approaching quickly. The leaves are changing now, so it really makes it beautiful outside! This makes for perfect times to grill out and enjoy the outdoors. And we did that three days in a row! With temperatures in the mid seventies to low eighties during the day and falling into the low sixties and high fifties at night, dining outside is quite enjoyable.  Even though it was a bit overcast and cloudy most of the weekend, we were able to take the boat out for an enjoyable ride up to Thomson Creek in Dawsonville. Here's a look at our boat dock on Johnson creek.

And while I tried to get a shot of the fall leaves on our path to the lake, this photo turned out a little bit dark. But cool weather is heading in after two days of rain.  Peak color season for Autumn on lake Lanier is still a few weeks away.

I don't think there is anything more beautiful than Autumn on Lake Lanier! Stay tuned for more photos as we expect to be out on the lake more often in the upcoming weeks!

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