Monday, September 17, 2012

Lake Lanier Real Estate Buyers Come From Many Places!

As many of you may know, Lake Lanier is a popular place!  Popular not just among the locals, but also the regionals, people all over the United States, and even readers of this blog in Asia, Europe and afar!  But until recently, it seems that over the past few years, most of our Lake Lanier buyers have been coming from nearby Atlanta.  Mostly, folks looking for weekend retreats, cottages, etc.

Six to seven years ago, we went through a phase, which I call the wonder years, when buyers of Lake Lanier real estate would come from the Northeastern United States.  Places like Boston, New York, New Hampshire and other locations in that area.  Many times, these people would sell their homes in metropolitan areas and buy a place on our lake so they could feel like they were retired, yet still be close to their kids and grand children who were residing or working in nearby Atlanta.  Atlanta was a hot area for relocation, and many of those family members had moved to Atlanta as part of a corporate relo package.  Soon, the parents and other family members would follow.

Another phase of Lake Lanier real estate occurred when we assisted many buyers from Florida.  During a time of intense hurricane activity during one year in Florida, we had many lake buyers shop Lanier in a desire to move north to less tumultous weather patterns and still have a comfortable climate.

We've had shoppers from other areas too.  Michigan, California, Ohio, Texas and other states.  Over the years, however, and during the housing crisis, the number of visitors from other states has decreased and virtually stopped.  That is until now.  During the past month, we have assisted Lake Lanier real estate shoppers from Nevada, Utah, Texas, Pennsylavania and other states.  Is this a sign of improving times and a real estate market on the mend and upswing.  I think so!  And I am grateful and excited to have this new opportunity.  Hello growth!  Hello second home ownership!  Welcome to Lake Lanier and a new beginning in Lake Lanier living!

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